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Top-Quality Awnings and Pergolas in New York City and the Tristate Area

Shading Systems Customized for You

Do you want a dependable, long-lasting shelter for your customers or family? Do you want to enhance your property’s beauty and display its personality? If so, Capitol Awning Co is here to serve you. We are a top designer, creator, and installer of the finest canopies, pergolas, and awnings in New York City. We’ve been providing homes and businesses throughout the city with the strongest protection and most pleasing graphics since 1947. Our team will deliver a cover product that completes your property.

A suburban brick and stone strip shopping center under construction

Performing Our Services With Pride

As a trusted fabrication and design company with over seventy years of experience, we take pride in improving properties. We take on every project with appreciation for our customers. From coming up with initial design concepts to putting the finishing touches on your product, you can rely on us to pay careful attention to detail. It’s our determination to create unique products that have made us an industry leader.

Original Designs and Personalized Craft

We love hearing our customers’ ideas and bringing their dreams to life. Whether you have many thoughts or a full vision and concept for your cover, we’ll partner with you to make it a reality. We create original designs that fit seamlessly in properties and achieve our customers’ goals. With your ideas at the top of our minds, we’ll devise and manufacture a product that is both beautiful and functional and that provides you with the exterior you’ve always wanted.

Contact Us Today