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Serving NYC

Awnings are a functional and beautiful addition to any NYC building. These lightweight, covered exterior features cover doors, windows, and sidewalk spaces to enhance your property’s value. Capitol Awning Company specializes in modern awnings near NYC; we’ll help you create the perfect custom awning solution for your building’s architectural design and functional needs.

Architects, developers and builders throughout the greater NYC area think of us as their collaborative working partner. We bring three generations of experience to every project, helping you explore your options, transform your ideas into buildable elements or get right down to business with a quick price quote based on your own specs.

3d rendering of cafe facade with displays and awning

Benefits of Adding an Awning to Your Building

Whether you own a commercial, residential, or office space, awnings offer many ways to enhance your property.

  • Awnings can help your building stand out against its neighbors, creating a visual distinction that makes your property easy to identify. Adding a logo to a storefront awning allows this feature to double as additional advertising at the same time.
  • Window awnings provide shade that reduces the amount of incident sunlight that reaches the interior of your building. Blocking direct sunlight makes interior spaces more comfortable in terms of brightness and temperature, reducing solar heating and helping your building stay cooler without putting strain on its HVAC system. Sun awnings can also earn your building LEED construction points toward your certification.
  • Just like interior window treatments, awnings improve the aesthetic appeal of your building’s exterior. Uniform window awnings that complement the building’s exterior architecture make your property look more sophisticated and can even increase its inherent value by boosting curb appeal.
Living Green

Caring for Your Awning

Awnings are manufactured using durable materials that will last for decades with the right care. Maintaining your awning is simple and will ensure that your awnings continue to perform their desired function, while your building’s exterior looks its best.

  • Clean your awnings periodically using water and a mild soap solution. Window washers can clean window awnings on high-rise buildings to maintain the appearance of these features, even on upper floors.
  • If your awning has moving parts, pay special attention to these during cleaning to prevent dirt buildup that may affect their function. Talk to your awning installer about whether you will need to use a lubricant to keep motorized parts working properly and prevent rust or corrosion.
  • Address standing water on your awning as soon as you notice puddles to prevent mold and mildew growth on the fabric. You can use a rectangular broom to gently press on the underside of the awning, increasing the pitch to encourage water to drain. If you are concerned about water pooling on your awnings, choose a design with a high pitch to prevent this occurrence.

If you’d like to learn more about outdoor awnings in NYC, call 718-454-6444 to reach Capitol Awning Company for more information about our awning and canopy products.

If You Can Dream It Up, We Can Build It

You can count on us from concept to completion, for:

  • Quick turnaround
  • Professional advice
  • Design and engineering services
  • Full-size AutoCAD drawings
  • Prototypes
  • Custom fabrication in state-of-the-art production facilities
  • Full-color photo renderings
  • Superior quality
  • Installation, using OSHA-certified crews
  • Permitting assistance

One call and it all gets done.

Have a Design Idea? Help Make It a Reality!