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Specialty Shading Products in New York City

Custom Shade Systems to Fit Your Needs

Based in Jamaica, N.Y., our team at Capitol Awning Company not only provides awnings and canopies but also offers a host of specialty shade products as well. We can increase your comfort outdoors and improve your brand visibility as well. From design to installation, we take care of every aspect of the awning process ourselves, including manufacturing.

Our Specialty Products Include the Following

shade screen

Printed Shade Screens

Are your window blinds providing shade and little else? We can design and produce custom window shade systems that are both functional and enhance your marketing and branding. Shade screens block UV light and enhance cooling, which can save you money. Roller shades and window films can provide one-way viewing—and Capitol Awning Company can turn these into artistic or marketing canvases with our digital printing system.

custom project shade cart

Custom Projects

Why be satisfied with a traditional awning or canopy? Our design and manufacturing team can custom design three-dimensional structures that provide the same function as traditional awnings while creating iconic fabric structures that will instantly identify your business. These structures can be attached to a building or free standing. It’s up to your imagination.

cardinal pergola


Cardinal pergolas provide excellent shade, support climbing plants, and enhance the aesthetic appeal of gardens, patios, and rooftop green spaces. They comprise vertical posts supporting an open roof of horizontal beams and rafters. The open-roof design provides partial shade, making outdoor areas more comfortable during hot weather without completely blocking sunlight. You’ll be able to adjust your sunlight level preferences seamlessly with a cardinal pergola.

roman shade structure

Shade Structures

A custom designed shade structure not only provides relief from sunlight and heat, it can also be an eye-catching piece of art that enhances surroundings—and serve as a platform for marketing and branding. Just a few of the facilities that might benefit from a custom designed shade structure from Capitol Awning Company include: country clubs, playgrounds, daycare centers, water parks, playgrounds, skate parks, concession areas, and yacht clubs.

graphic banner


We specialize in all types of Graphics applications. Sunbrella graphic systems (SGS) and Digital printing are all done in-house. We have a solution to any of your graphics needs, and most of our graphics projects are done wholesale to the sign and awning industry.

signs on buildings

Sign Companies

At Capitol Awning Company, we can partner with local sign companies or national accounts working in the NYC area. We offer our expertise to ensure the highest quality products and service to your clients, on time and on budget!

metal canopies

Architectural Metal Companies

We can be a strategic partner to other companies designing any metal work that needs a fabric covering. Our team can assist you with the design from the start, or come in at any stage in the project, to bring our three generations of experience for the best results!

custom umbrellas

Complete Support From Concept to Completion

Quick Turnaround
Professional Advice
Design and Engineering Services
Full-Size AutoCAD Drawings
Custom Fabrication in State-Of-The-Art Production Facilities
Full-Color Photo Renderings
Superior Quality
Installation, Using OHSA-Certified Crews
Permitting Assistance

If You Can Dream It Up, We Can Build It!

Let our representatives show you how our specialty shade products can improve comfort and branding. Call us at 718-454-6444 to request a free estimate!

Have a Design Idea? Help Make It a Reality!