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Choose StuXure Pergolas in Westchester, Lower New York State and New York City

If you want unmatched design and unlimited control over your outdoor shelter, Capitol Awning Co will provide. We are a trusted installer of innovative StruXure pergolas in New York City. We specialize in installing StruXure pergolas on rooftop patios. They are perfect for providing shade for events, catering spaces, and rooftop green spaces. The brand is known for its automated covers and state-of-the-art function. It is perfect for homeowners who want maximum convenience and ease while enjoying their outdoor space. Our team comprises trained specialists with years of experience who will conduct your pergola installation to your complete satisfaction.

About StruXure Pergolas

StuXure has reimagined outdoor spaces with its line of metal pivot-louver pergolas. The idea for StruXure began when founder, manufacturer, and entrepreneur Scott Seltzer decided to build his own metal pivoting pergolas to meet his client’s needs. Scott’s products quickly earned a reputation for their striking designs and cutting-edge function. Formally established in 2020, StruXure is a leader in automated outdoor shades and covers. The StruXure brand aims to innovate the way homeowners experience the outdoors with unmatched quality.

Pergolas With Seamless Function and Control

Here are the StruXure products we currently install:

Pergola X

The Pergola X features cutting-edge remote handling, enabling users to open, close, and move it as desired at the click of a button. Its models include the Pivot 6, Pivot 6XL, Pivot 6 Slide, and the Pan 6.

Cabana X

Among the most adaptable pergolas, the Cabana X can transform seamlessly into any style of outdoor space. It can be changed into a patio, outdoor workout space, and dining area anytime you want.

We’ll Provide You With an Outstanding Installation

If you are interested in having a StruXure pergola installed in your home, business, or event space, you want the most trusted and experienced hands on the job. The team at Capitol Awning Co is fully knowledgeable about StuXure’s products and the requirements to install them successfully. We want to know every detail about what you envision for your outdoor space so we can bring it to life. You can depend on us to install a StruXure product that gives your home outstanding quality and value for years to come.

Have a Design Idea? Help Make It a Reality!