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Reduced energy consumption is a top priority for many commercial businesses. When you are seeking smart and simple ways to save energy on a daily basis, you may want to consider installing commercial awnings around the outside of your building. Awnings can help you save energy by reducing the amount that you spend on heating and cooling your building. A company that offers awning installation in New York City will be able to help you create an energy-smart awning design. Read on for an overview of commercial awnings and how they affect energy use.

Commercial Awnings

Reduce Solar Radiation

Throughout the hottest months of the year, your building can be affected by solar radiation. When solar rays hit your windows, they will penetrate into your indoor spaces and cause the temperature of your building to rise at a rapid rate. With a commercial awning installation, you can cut down on solar radiation significantly. Your new awnings will keep your building cool, which will reduce the energy costs of running an air conditioner.

Cut Back on Heat Gain

Solar heat gain is another factor that can have a dramatic impact on the overall energy use of your building. When your windows are exposed to high amounts of solar heat, they will start to spread this heat into your interior areas. New canvas awnings will be able to cut back on your building’s heat gain by as much as 65 percent, which will lead to terrific energy savings over the months and years.

Improve Performance of Tinted Glass

If you have chosen to reduce heat gain through the use of window tint, but have found that your installation has not been effective in reducing your energy bills, you may want to incorporate an awning design into your plans. Awnings are much more effective than solar films in the prevention of solar heat gain. When you combine an awning with solar tinted glass, you will achieve the ultimate in UV protection for your building.