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If you have been browsing the different types of awnings that are available for your commercial business, you may want to take a look at retractable awnings from the Gennius brand. Gennius has designed their awnings to provide superior sun and rain protection, without sacrificing style. An awning company in New York City will be able to provide you with detailed specifics about the advantages of the Gennius awning line. Here is an overview of the terrific benefits that the Gennius Waterproof Retractable Roof System has to offer for your building.

Waterproof Retractable Roof

Excellent Weather Protection

One of the highlights of the Gennius Waterproof Retractable Roof System is that this type of awning has been specifically engineered to provide your building with superior protection from the elements. When you install a new Gennius awning, you can expect your installation to be highly resistant to damage from sun exposure, high winds, or heavy rains. In fact, the Gennius Waterproof Retractable Roof System has been engineered for year round performance.

Extend Outdoor Dining or Entertaining Season

During the fall and spring seasons, unpredictable weather may send your guests indoors before the outdoor entertaining and dining season is really over. If you want to get the longest use from your outdoor areas each season, you might want to install the Gennius Waterproof Retractable Roof System. With this system, your employees and guests will be completely protected during inclement weather and other unpredictable weather events throughout the year.

Enjoy Adjustable Performance

Another terrific benefit of the Gennius Waterproof Retractable Roof System is that this type of awning can be easily retracted on demand. When you find that an awning is not necessary for a certain type of weather or special event, you can simply retract your awning with the flip of a switch. By providing you with fully retractable functionality, the Gennius Waterproof Retractable Roof System can be completely tailored to meet your exact needs. If you want an awning, but are seeking full control over its performance, a product from Gennius may be right for your needs.