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Durable Materials You Can Trust

From our award-winning shop in Jamaica, NY, our manufacturers at Capitol Awning Company can build your awning or canopy with the perfect fabric for the situation. We have over 65 years of experience and only offer the highest-quality materials that can withstand the extreme conditions in New York. If you are searching for a New York commercial awning company, allow us to fabricate the products you need!

Our High-Quality Fabric Selections Include the Following:


AwnTex 160 is an open weave awning fabric of vinyl encapsulated polyester mesh, with a shade factor of 88-90 percent and a 13.9 percent openness factor.

Brite Awn

Brite Awn is a high gloss, flexible fabric with maximum mold, mildew, wick, and ultraviolet resistance.


BTF is coated under tension for exceptional dimensional stability that will last for many years. Flame retardant, it accepts screening printing and hand painted graphics.

Cooley Brite

Cooley Brite is available in both 20 ounce and 16 ounce white and eradicable substrates. Either substrate is available in a variety of bright colors.

Eradi Lite

Eradi Lite is an eradicable black-lit awning and sign material of vinyl coated, ink-colored fabric that is also wick and mildew resistant.


Fabric offers dimensional stability and weather resistance and comes in multiple colors.


Firesist is an up-to-code, fire resistant awning fabric offering strength, colorfastness and weather resistance.


Pac-Clad is pre-finished galvanized steel or aluminum used for roofing, curtain wall and storefront applications.


Patio 500 fabric offers exceptional resistance to mildew and UV degradation. Accepts silk screening, hand painting and appliqué.


Phifertex is a vinyl encapsulated woven polyester mesh, ideal for outdoor use with patio umbrellas and “breathable” awnings.


Sunbrella offers a legendary combination of durability water repellency, breath ability, and style.


Weathertyte textured fabric is UV, fire and, fungus resistant. In addition, the fabric is fully waterproofed as well!

Your Awning, Your Fabric

Let our representatives at Capitol Awning Company guide you to the perfect awning fabric. For more information, give us a call at 718-454-6444 today. We offer free estimates for your convenience!

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