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Customized awning designs and specialty printed products are great ways to bring in new customers and get your business noticed. If you install a large business canopy outside your New York City restaurant, complete with an original design, then your business will increase its profits and possibly reduce maintenance costs. Let’s take a closer look at how your business will benefit with a specialty printed product.


Create Original Projects

If your business offers a well-known customer favorite, such as a specialty food or drink, then you can request a three-dimensional structure in that shape. If your business offers a specialty product found nowhere else, then a three-dimensional structure would look even more original in that product design. Your business can gain much-needed publicity and attraction with these large, original structures outside of your building. Custom projects are also a fun way for your creative marketing team to develop a campaign for a new product.

Attract New Customers

When you place a specialty product—whether it be a business canopy, customized awning design, or three-dimensional structure—you increase your business’ visibility. You will soon notice more customers coming into your building. They may inquire about your new specialty product, or they may be curious as to what your business provides. Your business will notice a significant increase in customer traffic, and hopefully profits, once you install your specialty product outside your building.

Protect Business Interests

Depending on what type of printed product you install, such as a shade screen or customized awning design, you can better protect your business’ products and interiors. Awnings and business canopies offer protection from the sun, which can reduce damage and fading to the interior of your business. Canopies are usually large enough to protect an outside area of your business, such as an exterior dining patio. If you can keep your interior and exterior protected from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, you can prevent premature fading and damage. This protection can save you on future repair or replacement costs.