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If you have been looking for a sturdy awning that offers you more control, then the Gennius Waterproof Retractable Roof System may be the perfect option. This innovative awning installation near New York City comes in a variety of styles to match your business. It can also benefit almost any business or location. If your business requires a strong and ingenious awning design, then continue reading to know more about the Gennius roof system.


It Is Retractable.

The Gennius roof system offers you the complete benefits of a regular awning installation, but gives you the ability to retract it when needed. With this added control, you can protect your exterior patios when the weather is rainy or exceptionally bright. However, you can also retract your Gennius awning to give your customers some sunshine on a wintery day. The Gennius Waterproof Retractable Roof System gives you the best of both worlds when it comes to an awning installation.

It Has Several Styles.

If your business has a unique look or personality, then you need a business canopy that can reflect your originality. The Gennius roof system has several models that can match or complement your business’ building. You can choose from a wooden pergola design or a strong aluminum structure. Either of these options can be designed to match your specifications.

It Is Waterproof.

Not all commercial awnings are waterproof. However, the Gennius roof system uses an innovative fabric structure that will repel water. When you choose the Gennius roof system, you will get an awning that can look and function like an extension of your business’ roof. This ability to repel water is essential to protecting your customers and maintaining business during bad weather conditions.

It Has Several Applications.

Since the Gennius roof system can come in several styles and sizes, it can be used in multiple ways. It can be used outside of an event venue or restaurant. It can also be installed outside high-class apartment buildings to offer tenants covered patios. The options are endless with the Gennius roof system.