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Awnings are designed to protect your building from excess heat and intense sunlight during the summer season. When you are planning on installing new commercial awnings in New York City, it is important to select an awning material that offers both durability and style. Today’s canvas awnings can be constructed from a variety of high-tech materials that offer the ultimate in sun protection, fade resistance, and overall durability. To help you purchase the best awnings for your needs, here are some tips to keep in mind when you are selecting an awning material.

Fabric Cloths

Evaluate Shade Factors

One of the primary functions of an awning is to provide shade to your windows and exterior spaces. As you are selecting a canvas awning material, you will want to make sure that you pick out a product that has a high shade factors. Advanced awning materials, such as AwnTex, offer terrific shade factors of 88 percent or higher. By picking out a fabric that blocks out 88 percent of the sun’s rays, you can achieve the best possible shading for your business.

Ask About Weather Resistance

When you invest in new awnings for your building, the last thing that you will want to do is have to replace them within a few years time. Fortunately, with a smart fabric selection, you can make sure that your awning is ready to withstand wind, rain, snow, and other extreme weather conditions. Another terrific benefit of a weather resistant awning material is that it will typically be protected from mold and mildew.

Look At Different Colors and Patterns

Along with providing your building with shade and protection, your awning should also offer terrific style. Your perfect awning fabric will come in a wide array of hues and patterns, so you can create a look that matches with your exterior design scheme. Materials like the Patio 500 fabric line are also designed to easily accept silk screen printing and other design applications.