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When you are browsing through customized awning designs for your upcoming awning installation, it is important to make sure that you choose the right fabric for your awning project. Weathertyte fabric is an ideal selection for many different types of awning installations. With its exceptional beauty and incredible durability, Weathertyte will dramatically enhance your awning installation near New York City.

There are a few unique features that make Weathertyte a cut above other types of awing materials. When you choose Weathertyte for your awning, you will have the option of choosing between dozens of vibrant and artistic colors and patterns. Along with being very eye catching and beautiful. Weathertyte has also been engineered to resist mold, mildew, fire, and water damage. Over the years and seasons, you can rest assured that your Weathertyte awning will not show signs of aging or fading. Overall, a Weathertyte awning is a terrific investment for your new commercial awning design.
