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The spring season has arrived, and you may want to start thinking about how to provide your restaurant’s guests with a pleasurable outdoor dining experience. Dining al fresco can be greatly enhanced with a carefully planned awning installation. An awning company that creates customized awning designs in New York City can create a covering that is tailored to the specific dimensions of your outdoor space. After you have installed your awning, you will be ready to provide your diners with a choice of outdoor seating. Read on for a review of the dos and don’ts of designing your outdoor seating area.

Outdoor Seating

Do: Provide Plenty of Shade

Shade is a critical element for any outdoor seating area. If you fail to provide your guests with shade as they dine outdoors at your restaurant, you may leave them exposed to the hot sun. You will typically find that your outdoor diners prefer to sit underneath an awning or other shading element when they dine outdoors at your establishment.

Don’t: Crowd Tables Closely Together

One mistake to avoid when you are designing outdoor seating for your restaurant is to place your tables and chairs too tightly together on your patio or outdoor dining space. If your guests feel like they are cramped together, they will have a harder time relaxing and enjoying their meal. Providing plenty of space between each table will also allow your wait staff to easily take orders and serve dishes from the kitchen.

Do: Incorporate Landscape and Lighting Elements

Along with installing an awning for shade and weather protection, you will also want to incorporate other decorative and functional elements into your outdoor dining space. If your guests will be seated outdoors after dark, you will want to provide them with gorgeous lighting that creates an intimate and warm ambiance. You can also choose to decorate your outdoor dining area with gorgeous plants that provide both natural beauty and privacy from the nearby street or sidewalk.