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Quality Commercial Awnings in New York City

Capitol Awning Co is a trusted designer, manufacturer, and installer of commercial awnings for New York City businesses. For over 70 years, we served the business owners of Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island with their protective shelters and exterior displays. We specialize in awnings, canopies, and pergolas that complete and enhance outdoor spaces. We design and create outdoor covers in a wide range of materials. We’re here to inspire your style and provide an outdoor cover that satisfies you for years.

How Can an Awning Help My Business?

Here’s why you should consider a custom awning design and installation:

  • Awnings can be customized with your unique brand elements, including your colors, logo, artwork, and imaging. They can also include your business info and location so customers can find you.
  • If rain, snow, or wind hits, your customers will have a place to escape from the weather. Awnings provide shelter and comfort to your customers.
  • Awnings can be beautiful. Personalize your awning with striking designs that fulfill your aesthetics and style.

Full-Service Commercial Awnings and Shelters

We provide comprehensive services for awnings, canopies, and pergolas, including:


We devise creative concepts for awnings and covers according to your vision.


We build and create custom shelters according to our customers’ specifications.


All of our installations are designed for function and beauty while considering the overall appearance of the buildings around them.

Graphic Design

We customize shelters with our customers’ unique styles, aesthetics, and branding.

Project Management

We partner with our customers at every step and ensure a job well done.

Awnings, Canopies, and Shelters for Any Purpose

At Capitol Awning Co, we aim to make outstanding awnings, canopies, pergolas, and other shelters that fulfill our customers’ goals. Whether you want to protect your people and property from the outdoors or display your unique style, we are here to provide the perfect solution. We’ll specially design and implement a cover that fits your business or property seamlessly. We’ll work with you to develop a cover that you will absolutely love.

Have a Design Idea? Help Make It a Reality!