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Hospitals & Institutions

We understand that hospital corporations often have multi-layered decision-making processes, and we’re here to smooth the process for you. Whether you’re building a new facility or undergoing a rebranding, our awnings can give your hospital or medical center a unified, refreshed look throughout a single campus or multiple outpatient locations.

hospital awning

If You Can Dream It Up, We Can Build It

Call on us to cover:

  • Ambulance docks – emergency egress canopies
  • Porticoes and walkway covers
  • Wind barriers for double doors
  • Windows, with custom-designed shade systems that combine shade and privacy with distinctive indoor or exterior marketing opportunities
hospital awning

You Can Count on Us From Concept to Completion

  • Quick turnaround
  • Professional advice
  • Design and engineering services
  • Full-size AutoCAD drawings
  • Custom fabrication in state-of-the-art production facilities
  • Full-color photo renderings
  • Superior quality
  • Installation, using OSHA-certified crews
  • Permitting assistance

One call and it all gets done.

Have a Design Idea? Help Make It a Reality!