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Movie Set Awnings in New York City

We’re your local shop for set pieces that include awnings or similar products. We’re proud members of the Set Decorators Society of America, and our union crews work closely with IATSE Local 52 on productions of all sizes throughout the greater NYC area. We’ll gladly provide referrals.

White Canopy Tent for Exibition Event and Party

We Understand the Meaning of “Deadline”

Whether you’re shooting:

  • TV commercials or a series
  • Feature films
  • Corporate videos
  • In studio or on location, indoors or out

Call on us for:

  • Awnings that accurately depict any time period
  • Flags and banners
  • One-of-a-kind three-dimensional fabric structures for any genre set design

If you can dream it up, we can build it.

You Can Count on Us From Concept to Completion, For:

  • Quick turnaround
  • Professional advice
  • Design and engineering services
  • Full-size AutoCAD drawings
  • Custom fabrication in state-of-the-art production facilities
  • Full-color photo renderings
  • Superior quality
  • Installation, using OSHA-certified crews

One call and it all gets done.

Have a Design Idea? Help Make It a Reality!