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Franchise Awnings in New York City

If you’re a franchise corporation interested in adding restaurant awnings to your franchises or an individual franchise owner searching for the right front door awning for your New York store, take advantage of our franchise awning experience. With over six decades in the business, we’ve worked extensively with franchise corporations and individual owners throughout the US to provide branded awnings and business canopies for their franchise stores in the greater New York area.

Our experienced staff at Capitol Awning Company can build and provide awning installation to any corporate specifications, and because our local architecture and environment pose particular challenges, we specialize in adapting your franchise awning specs to fit NYC buildings. We’ll build front door awnings to withstand our harsh northeast weather and other environmental conditions, to last ten years.

If you can dream it up, we can build it.

Quality Branded Awning Creation

When you work with Capitol Awning Company, you’re getting the best in the business. We approach every franchise awning or storefront awning with pride and enthusiasm, staying true to your specifications and desires. We complete every aspect of the project in house at our family owned and operated business, ensuring you have a final franchise awning that suits your needs.

You can count on us from concept to completion, for:

  • Quick turnaround
  • Professional advice
  • Design and engineering services
  • Full-size AutoCAD drawings
  • Custom fabrication in state-of-the-art production facilities
  • Full-color photo renderings
  • Superior quality
  • Installation, using OSHA-certified crews
  • Permitting assistance

Our experienced staff will assist you throughout every step of the process, from idea to fabrication to installation. We aim to make the process smooth and simple, drawing customers to your business with an affordable, practical solution.

Benefits of Franchise Canopies

Adding branded awnings to your restaurant, storefront or other franchise will help your business take advantage of the well-recognized branding. Front door awnings or window awnings stand out from the flat walls of a business, creating the potential to more readily draw the eye of customers. As a franchise corporation, you should take advantage of this ability to have consistent, visible branding across all locations. As an individual owner, you can benefit from the ability to draw customers in with an already esteemed brand. At Capitol Awning Company, we complete franchise awnings for all types of businesses, with an extensive portfolio including:

  • Restaurant awnings
  • Bank awnings
  • Automotive awnings
  • Real estate awnings
  • Sports facility awnings
  • Architects awnings
  • General contractor awnings
  • Storefront awnings

Our family owned and operated New York City awning company approaches every awning project we take on with enthusiasm, working diligently to ensure you receive a high quality final awning product tailored to your needs, with exceptional customer service along the way. If you’re interested in working with our experienced awning design and awning installation staff on your franchise awning, call us today at 718-454-6444 to request a free estimate! One call, and it all gets done.

Have a Design Idea? Help Make It a Reality!