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Retractable Awnings for NY and NJ

Capitol Awning Company provides retractable awnings that provide an aesthetic upgrade and functionality. Awnings come in a variety of sizes, projections, colors, mounting colors, and branding opportunities. We’re an authorized dealer and installation service provider of KE Durasol Retractable Awnings, an association we’re immensely proud to have. You place your trust in us, and we work hard to help you make the right choice for your property. That starts with the products we supply. We’re also flexible and possess the capability to install a variety of styles. For instance, we can install high-end, remote-operated units, as well as awnings with fewer bells and whistles. Whatever you need, Capitol Awning Company can get it for you.

retractable awnings

Why Your NYC Business Can Use an Awning

You know how important it is to present yourself to your customers and the pedestrians walking by your business. An eye-catching awning is one of the ways you can do so. Purchasing and installing a retractable awning has other benefits too. These items enable you to provide a shady place for patrons to dine in or a covered area for customers to wait under during rainstorms.

The Benefits of a Retractable Roof

There are many benefits to installing a retractable roof on your New York City property, including

They Pay for Themselves in the End

The apparent benefits of retractable awnings are what usually attract our customers, such as aesthetics. However, there’s more to the story. For instance, retractable awnings lower the internal temperature in your building, which can reduce your energy bill. If you run a business with high energy consumption – like a restaurant – then an awning can make a world of difference. Over time, the savings will make up for the purchase and installation costs.

Awnings Protect Property From the Elements

Whether from rain, snow, or sunshine, awnings serve a critical protective role. If you have outdoor seating at your café, then investing in an awning can help make your customers more comfortable while they dine or sip lattes. Awnings also protect your furniture from the elements, keeping moisture off the tables and preventing the sun’s rays from damaging any wood fixtures you might store outside your business.

Retractable Awnings Last Longer Than Other Kinds

Retractable awnings are made of sturdy material and are built to last. Because they’re permanently affixed to the side of your building, but built with the ability to retract and expand, they’re tougher than freestanding awnings or other alternatives. For instance, a standing awning might have trouble withstanding a strong thunderstorm. You can’t say the same about retractable awnings.

They’re Inherently Flexible

If your business doesn’t need a permanent awning but could use something for special events like sidewalk sales, then a retractable awning is the right choice. We highly recommend them to business owners who require flexibility during their daily operations. Additionally, you might want to let natural light into your business, especially during the winter months, and with a retractable awning, you can.

They Make Everything Look Nicer

Creating an inviting storefront is an essential part of any business. A retractable awning can help. For instance, we have plenty of colors to choose from, so you shouldn’t have a problem finding one that matches your identity. We can also put branding on the fabric. Whatever you need to put the finishing touches on your awning, we can provide it. Capitol Awning Company has even added distinctive details like slogans and “established in” dates to awnings.

Retractable Awnings Can Dramatically Expand Your Business

Picture this: You own a small shop with limited space, but you’ve got countless ideas. With a retractable awning, your coffee shop could add outdoor seating – rain or shine. Or your bookstore can have sidewalk sales uncancelled by rainstorms. Awnings enable you to rethink how you do business and allow greater sales opportunities, meaning they’ll more than pay for the cost of the initial investment.

Contact Capitol Awning Company Today to Get Started

Capitol Awning Company has over 65 years under our belt as a trusted supplier of awnings for both commercial and residential clients in Jamaica, NY and the rest of New York City. We’re more than happy to incorporate your design ideas into your awning. We possess the technology and materials needed to make your vision a reality, regardless of what it is. We’ve grown over the years, adding services and increasing our service area, but our commitment to quality never changes. Our excellent customer service – as well as our high-quality materials – are why we’re so successful. Discover the Capitol Awning Company difference today by contacting us. We’ll get to work creating a retractable awning consistent with your needs and desires.

We provide service to Long Island, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island and northern NJ. Call now to schedule your estimate.

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