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Comfortable Rooftop Canopies in New York City

Are you a business owner or property owner who prioritizes your customers’ comfort? If so, Capitol Awning Co will make your customers feel welcome. We are a company of installers who specialize in rooftop pergolas and canopies in New York City. Whether you own and operate a high-rise or ground-floor business, we’ll install a robust canopy or pergola that is easy to operate and maintain. We’ll keep your customers comfortable and satisfied throughout the year.

Trendy outdoor patio pergola

What Are Canopies and Pergolas Used For?

Canopies and pergolas are both used for shelter and to protect customers from the sun and other elements, but their structures differ. Canopies are awning-like and attached to the building. Pergolas are separate structures that comprise a roof supported by beams. Both can be closed or open, depending on the amount of sunlight you want. Canopies and pergolas are most commonly used in the following commercial spaces:

  • Restaurants
  • Hotels
  • Resorts
  • Cafes
  • Apartment complexes
  • Gardens and enclosures
  • Break areas
  • General public social areas and patios

Three Great Benefits of Canopies and Pergolas

Enjoy the following benefits of having a canopy or pergola installed on your business’s grounds:


The canopies and pergolas we install can be controlled remotely. Open or close them or angle their shades at the click of a button.


Keep your canopy or pergola open during the warmer months or closed during the cold. Regardless of what your business does or who your customers are, it will adapt to your needs.


You can count on your canopy or pergola to withstand the harshest weather conditions or elements and operate with quality throughout the year.

How Much Do Canopies and Pergolas Cost?

A canopy installation varies depending on the size and scope. The length and width of your patio or outdoor area will be crucial to your final costs. The more ground you want sheltered from the elements, the higher your costs will likely be. We provide quotes for our commercial and residential clients. We’ll come out to your property to assess the size and discuss your vision. After gathering the needed information, we’ll develop a detailed and honest quote for you.

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