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Inviting Commercial Walkway Canopies in New York City

Our customized commercial walkway canopies in New York City are designed to make businesses appealing and allow them to make an excellent first impression on customers. Our team has over six decades of experience designing, manufacturing, and installing stunning walkway covers for businesses of all sizes and industries. We provide single-column, double-column, and gabled covers which our customers can choose from to fulfill their needs and goals. We’ll provide your front with a beautiful, welcoming entryway that fits your business’s style and demands.

Blue Walkway Canopies

Enhance Your Business’s Style With a Canopy

Many businesses have an entryway canopy for welcoming their customers and employees. Aside from providing shelter from the outdoors, canopies can improve your entryway’s aesthetics and allow you to show off your brand. Canopies can be customized and designed with your company’s name, logo, and street address to make them easily identifiable to customers. They are built in many beautiful styles. Choose your preferred style to make your business front more attractive and appealing to potential customers.

How Can a Canopy Help My Business?

Here’s what your canopy or cover can offer your customers and business:


When it begins raining or snowing or the day is excessively hot or cold, your customers can find quick relief and shelter under your canopy.


Snow, rain, and ice can create unsafe conditions and cause slip-and-fall accidents. Your canopy can prevent weather elements from causing accidents on your walkway.

Energy Efficiency

Canopies make for terrific insulators and temperature regulators and can help you save big on your monthly energy bill.

Design the Perfect Canopy for Your Business

When designing a canopy, it is crucial for us to understand precisely how you envision your canopy functioning and looking on your property. Single-column, double-column, and gabled canopies all come with unique advantages which our team can explain to you in detail. We’ll get an accurate estimate of how long and wide you want your canopy to span so we can create it to your exact specifications. If you have a style idea in mind, we will explore it and assemble the right materials to manufacture your ideal canopy.

Have a Design Idea? Help Make It a Reality!