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Industry-Leading Intellishade Pergolas in New York City

Are you wanting sun protection you can depend upon to keep your home or business safe, comfortable, and energy efficient? If so, Capitol Awning Co’s installers are here to help. We apply the leading Intellishade pergolas in New York City. For over 65 years, we’ve provided our customers with top-tier products and cutting-edge customizations. We’ll work with you and help you select the right product for your home, ensuring your property can look and be its best.

Cardinal Morterized Louvered Pergola

About Intellishade Motorized Pergolas

Intellishade manufactures the most in-demand and fastest-selling motorized pergolas in the entire nation. More customers choose the Intellishade brand because of their many options for improving the style and function of outdoor living spaces. From carefully crafting their products to choosing suitable professionals to install them, Intellishade takes time, attention, and care to ensure homeowners receive the highest quality. Whether you want a motorized shelter for your home or business, Intellishade will provide you with a top-quality product to keep your property comfortable and controlled.

Intellishade’s Premiere Selection of Pergolas

Intellishade’s selection of motorized pergolas includes:

Residential Pergolas

Intellishade’s automated residential pergolas offer convenience and luxury for patios, pools, and outdoor dining areas.

Commercial Pergolas

The unmatched design and function of Intellishade commercial pergolas are perfect for accommodating customers in bars, restaurants, hotels, resorts, and more.

Classic Pergolas

Enjoy the beauty and practicality of Intellishade’s classic pergolas, offered in versatile designs, structures, and styles.

Retractable Shades

Intellishade’s automated and manual retractable shades provide users with as much sun or shade as they desire.

We Install Pergolas With Pride

At Capitol Awning Co, we enjoy offering and providing top-quality pergolas, canopies, awnings, and shelters to our customers. From carefully maintaining our product selection to applying finishing installation touches, our team members complete every task with pride. We are committed to our customers’ needs and goals and ensure an exceptional experience. We are here to help you find the protection and function you want for your property and deliver an outstanding installation for your satisfaction.

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