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Installing Mapes Canopies for New York City Businesses

At Capitol Awning Co, we have been Mapes Architectural Canopy dealers for over 25 years, with hundreds of installations for the largest of new construction projects down to the smallest of renovations. The Mapes brand has been building Architectural metal canopies and shades for generations. With Capitol Awning Co and Mapes, you have a team that can handle any project with professionalism and ingenuity.

About Mapes Architectural Canopies

For over 70 years, Mapes has been crafting and manufacturing metal architectural canopies with unparalleled quality and customer service. The company began enhancing storefronts and quickly earned a reputation for innovative products. They established new expectations for quality in construction and are now among the leading manufacturers of metal canopies worldwide. Through its seven decades of service, the Mapes company has stood apart with cutting-edge design and engineering and quick manufacturing and distribution turnarounds. You can rely on Mapes for a superior product for every project.

A Top-Quality Metal Canopy for Your Property

Explore Mapes versatile range of durable and versatile architectural canopies. Their product offerings include:


This high-load rod hanger canopy is known for its flexibility and adaptability to a wide range of buildings and applications.


Experience the ultimate sun ray regulation with the Supershade. This louver canopy provides advanced shade control and sun management for any property.

Super Lumideck

The Super Lumideck aluminum canopy is ideal for storefronts to keep customers cool and comfortable in the sun.

Rely on Mapes for Your Canopy Needs

Since its founding over seven decades ago, Mape’s commitment to quality craft and customer satisfaction has remained unwavering. That’s why Capitol Awning Co stands by the brand and installs its products with care and attention. Mapes offers canopies in a wide range of colors, structures, and shades styles from which you can pick and choose. Our team will gladly guide you through our selection of Mapes canopies and help you determine the perfect product for your business or storefront.

Have a Design Idea? Help Make It a Reality!