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Residential Awning Professionals in New York City and the Tristate Area

Awnings are one of those elements on your property that can completely transform the look of your space but are often overlooked when people think about home decor. When most people think of awnings, they think of commercial entities that use awnings as a form of advertising. At Capitol Awning, our team of residential awning professionals is well-equipped to help outfit your home with gorgeous products. Coming in a variety of styles, materials, and colors, we work with you every step of the way from our location in New York City to ensure you get the perfect awning to match your property. Our goal is to help beautify your home without breaking the bank. We’ve been a leader in the area for years and look forward to serving your residential awning needs today.

Retractable Awnings

For many homes, the modern flourish of retractable patio and freestanding awnings is a great choice because of their sleek, elegant design and ease of use. Modern retractable awnings feature the ability to have a large awning without posts or poles obstructing the area or your views. We have a wide range of materials and colors to choose from and can even custom design an awning to match the color scheme of your choice. Because they are retractable, they do not pose any kind of obstruction when they are not in use. Our awnings are built from the best materials and fully cover the area from the sun without issue. These low-maintenance pieces are a great choice for backyard areas in addition to front patios. Per square foot, retractable awnings are more cost-efficient than other forms of shading.

The Best Materials

From start to finish, you are sure to get a top-quality product from Capitol Awning. By manufacturing our products in-house, we ensure quality at every turn and stand by our products 100%. While our competitors may cut corners to save costs, we think making a product that will stand the test of time is crucial. We take immense pride in crafting weather-resistant awnings in a variety of materials and styles.

Custom Work

At Capitol Awning, you’re guaranteed to be getting custom work as soon as you call our line. Our goal is to outfit your home with the perfect awning to match the style and aesthetic of your property. By fusing form and function, we make bespoke products that match your home’s look while also providing needed shading to patio areas and places you want to enjoy outside. As summer rolls around, getting your awnings installed ensures your summer days are cool and comfortable.

Ready to Get Your Awnings?

Are you making improvements to your home before the warm weather season fully blooms? Have you been thinking about adding awnings to your property but don’t know where to start? Take a look at these helpful videos below to see how our awnings can help transform your space. Don’t hesitate to give us a call today at 718-454-6444 to speak with one of our residential awning specialists. We walk you through our process from start to finish. Our goal is to help beautify your home with a professionally designed and installed product that will last for many years. We look forward to serving your awning needs today.

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