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Protect Your Structure in Style With Capitol Awning Company

In business since 1947, Capitol Awning Company knows a thing or two about shade structures in New York City and surrounding communities. Over the past seven decades, our family-owned company has provided shade structures for everything from playgrounds and ballparks to country clubs and outdoor arenas. From the design and fabrication to the construction and installation process, everything is done in-house to ensure your total satisfaction with your new shade structure from Capitol Awning Company. Our experts offer assistance with fabric selections to pair you with the type of high-quality fabric best suited for the application. We specialize in awnings and specialty shade products that are flame-retardant and weather-resistant, so you can always feel confident about your selection. We also have a rainbow of colors to choose from with custom colors available upon request. You might say you have it “made in the shade” when you call us to design shade structures for your private or corporate needs!

Roof Top Shade Sails

Types of Shade Structures We Offer at Capitol Awning Co.

Shade structures come in all sizes, shapes, colors, and fabrics, depending on your preferences and budget. The uses for shade structures are endless. Here are but a few of the many types of shade structures we’ve installed across the New York City area over the years:

  • Daycare centers
  • Playgrounds
  • Skate parks
  • Sports fields
  • Bleachers
  • Dugouts
  • Poolside
  • Water parks
  • Outdoor arenas
  • Concession areas
  • Parking lots
  • Yacht clubs
  • Golf courses
  • Driving ranges
  • Country clubs
  • Restaurant and hotel patios

Benefits of Fabric Shade Structures for Your Organization

Fabric shade structures offer protection from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, which is especially important in areas where vulnerable children and seniors may be present. They also add value and visual distinction to any outdoor setting without breaking the bank. Depending on their size, shape, and other customizable features, shade structures can be eye-catching works of art. Add custom graphics and your company’s logo, and they can be a valuable marketing and branding tool for your business. Allow a shade structure to work for you today. Discuss the limitless options with our design experts!

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