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From Fabrication to Installation: Call Capitol Awning Company

Why settle for traditional window blinds when you can use custom-printed shade screens to advertise or make your business stand out from the competition? Capitol Awning Company can help you custom-design fabulous window shade systems that offer both practical and marketing solutions. We provide custom-printed shade screens for New York City-area businesses, organizations, and even homeowners. You can count on us for professional advice and design services, as well as a superior-quality installation with quick turnaround times. Everything is done in-house at our family-owned and -operated business. In operation since 1947, we’re proud to be one of the oldest awning and fabric companies in NYC. From standard residential and commercial awnings to specialty products, including our custom-design window shade systems, all it takes is one phone call to get it all done with our award-winning team!

custom shade screen

Residential & Commercial Custom Printed Shade Screen Uses

Custom-printed window shades serve a variety of residential and commercial applications. In the home, they’re easy to maintain and are ideal in dining rooms, kitchens, living rooms, rec rooms, and children’s rooms. Many parents consider custom-printed window shades for their child’s bedroom because they help create a calm environment perfect for naps or playtime with custom designs to match any theme. In the commercial sector, custom-printed window shades are seen across all industries, especially the hospitality industry because they help create a memorable experience for guests.

Consider the Benefits of Custom-Design Window Shade Systems

From roller shades to window films, custom-design window shade systems from Capitol Awning Company offer many benefits to home and business owners, including the following:


Roller shades and window films allow one-way vision, meaning people inside enjoy their view and the natural light streaming in, while only the surface is visible from the outside. Whether you own a home or business, privacy is essential to your comfort and security.

Colorful Advertising

The surface of a window shade system is like a blank artistic canvas. Our digital printing is so sophisticated it can apply any image anywhere. You can put your company’s logo or slogan to project your corporate image. Or you can allow us to take advantage of our creativity and ability to print full-color photo renderings to create something truly spectacular.


Shade screens filter harmful UV light and can help you cut energy and utility costs by keeping your home or office cooler during the summer. These benefits may help you meet LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification requirements for energy efficiency.

Favorable First Impressions

Paying attention to your home or business’ exterior upkeep and aesthetic appearance is essential to maintaining your property value. Project a positive image for your company or create a favorable first impression with visitors to your home with a custom-design window shade system from Capitol Awning Company today!

Contact Capitol Awning Company to Get Started Today

Capitol Awning Company would love to help you dream up a new look for your windows with custom-printed window shade screens in New York City. Contact us today to get started with a free quote!

Have a Design Idea? Help Make It a Reality!