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Progressive MagnaTrac Motorized Screens in New York City

If you want an enhanced outdoor experience with limitless comfort and efficiency, choose Capitol Awning Co. Our installers have years of experience installing innovative Progressive MagnaTrac motorized screens for New York City homes and businesses. They are fully trained and certified and serve properties of all sizes, scopes, and needs. We can customize your installations, ensuring they have the advantages and innovations you need to remain comfortable throughout the year. We are here to fulfill your needs.

Progressive MagnaTrac Screens

What Are Progressive MagnaTrac Screens?

Progressive MagnaTrac motorized screens are advanced, electrically operated screen systems that provide convenience, protection, and enhanced outdoor living spaces. These screens can be used for various applications, including patios, porches, garages, and commercial spaces, offering solutions for insect control, sun protection, and privacy. It is designed and manufactured with a patented self-tensioning system. This system enables the motorized screen to avoid dysfunction and helps prevent jamming or failure.

The Benefits of Progressive MagnaTrac

The Progressive MagnaTrac is perfect for home or business owners seeking advanced convenience and ease of use. Here’s why you should consider it:

Enhanced Comfort

The MagnaTrac helps regulate temperature by providing shade and blocking wind, making outdoor spaces more comfortable.

Increased Usability

It extends the usability of outdoor spaces throughout different seasons by protecting them from the elements.

Energy Efficiency

It reduces heat gain from the sun, potentially lowering cooling costs and improving energy efficiency.

Get a Quote on Your Motorized Screen

Capitol Awning Co will start your journey toward elevated comfort by providing a free quote on your installation and services. The quote will consider your installation project’s scope, size, and requirements, allowing us to provide accurate and honest pricing. We will guide you through our selection and educate you on the advantages of each product. Our team is available to answer any questions or concerns you have so you can make an informed decision about your motorized screen.

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