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Custom Vestibules for New York Businesses

You know the old saying about first impressions—well, it’s true. You can raise awareness of your business, increase customer satisfaction, and add a layer of security with a high-quality vestibule entrance. We’ve worked with businesses in a variety of industries, such as restaurants, hospitals, banks, and national franchises, and they agree that a vestibule entrance gives their businesses a more sophisticated appearance. And, they’re cost-effective and easy to install; you won’t need to endure a lengthy construction project with dirt and dust everywhere. Together we can design a custom vestibule with your company or franchise logo that will blend seamlessly with your building’s exterior.


Increase Your Customers’ Comfort

Your customers will thank you for the added protection against wind, rain, cold, and snow when you install a new vestibule enclosure. When a customer comes through your front door, they will expect quality as they enter the main area of your business. Capitol Awning can design an entrance with windows to let in natural light and create a more spacious feeling. The enclosures can be outfitted with interior lighting that is both functional and visually pleasing and helps your customers enter and exit your business safely. Exterior lighting brightens the area around your building and makes it easier to locate after dark. A large vestibule can also be used to increase your usable space or designate special areas.

Added Security and Protection

A locking vestibule will create a buffer zone of safety when you need a secure entry to protect valuables during business hours and increase security after hours. You’ll be able to regulate the flow of customers, admitting the right number of people at the right time. You’ll also have a place to verify credentials and check identification. Your custom-made vestibule can be outfitted with keypads, card readers, or other security devices to meet your specifications.

Increase Energy

A steady stream of customers is good for your business—but could be bad for your heating and cooling bills. An enclosed entrance keeps out the winter wind and the summer heat so you maximize savings on utility costs. Maintaining a moderate temperature indoors will keep your HVAC system from working harder to compensate for heating or cooling fluctuations. Don’t let money go out the door every time a customer comes in; at Capitol Awning, we’re your partner in energy efficiency.

Advertising 24 Hours a Day

Every business owner knows you can never have too much visibility, and that stretching every marketing dollar is good for your budget. A stylish, branded vestibule outside your door attracts the attention of passers-by all day, every day. Potential customers who may not know about your business, or who may be looking for your product or service, will now notice you easily.

Installing a vestibule enhances the appearance of your business, creates a comfortable environment for your customers, helps reduce your utility bills, and adds extra security. Call us today to find the right type of vestibule for your company.

Call Capitol Awnings today to find the right type of vestibule enclosure for you.

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