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Installing Wholesale Awnings in New York City

At Capitol Awning Co, we love partnering with contractors and customers on their displays. As an installer of wholesale awnings in New York City, we deliver the best quality. We’re a growing company in the contractor market, and installing wholesale shelter and coverage products is a significant part of our business. We are fully licensed and certified to provide installations in customers’ homes. You can trust us to do an outstanding job and save you time and money.

Luxury awninig illustration

Choose From a Wide Range of Awning Styles

We’re proud to install a wide range of awning and canopy styles, including:

  • G-Gutter Canopy: Built with a sleek, clean design to fit any modern building exterior.
  • Bahama Style: Inspired by tropical aesthetics, this awning provides plenty of shade.
  • Standing Seam: This awning has a classic appearance and is suited for many property types.
  • Louvered Sunshade: The louvered sunshade’s wide panels add extra privacy to any space.
  • Fabric & Vinyl: Fabric and vinyl are exceptionally flexible and can be customized to virtually any style.

Comprehensive Awning Products and Services

Our factory-trained installers are skilled and able to install every product. They can also pick up the product at the factory and deliver it to the job site. Get more out of your experience with the following services:


Get a fair, honest price on your products.

Sales Training/Product Knowledge

Understand the product completely and learn how to sell it.

Brochures/Sales Literature

Read more about the product specifications and installation details.


Have a designated spot to show products to customers.

Custom Measuring and Fabrication

Receive custom awnings with your desired shape, size, and color.


Get the product specially installed to the precise specifications.

Find the Best Deals on Awnings

Capitol Awning Co also works and partners with dealers. Dealers receive a 20% discount on our regularly priced products and services. We continuously update our dealers about product changes and guide them on how to take advantage of their purchases. If you’re a dealer, you can count on us to provide you with unmatched support. You can become an official dealer today by beginning your account and starting a conversation with us. We look forward to supporting you.

Have a Design Idea? Help Make It a Reality!