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Explore Our Wide Selection of Options & Useful Information

At Capitol Awning Company, we offer New York commercial awnings, canopies, and shade systems. With our very own award-winning design team and fabrication shop, we can customize any of our products to fit your particular needs. Browse our resource library below to explore our various designs and gain useful information regarding our process.

Quality Awning Design Ebook

  • Awning Design
  • How to do before purchasing
  • How to choose graphics, lighting, & retractability
  • The Overall manufacturing process
  • Pros and cons of the various materials
  • How to choose the right company
  • How to pick the right awning for your deck

Capitol Awning Brochure

  • Graphic Design
  • Design, Engineering, Fabrication, Installation
  • Metal and Plastic Canopies
  • Franchise Specialties
  • Retractable Awnings
  • Specialty & Custom Work

Franchise Awning Ebook

  • Types of franchise awnings
  • Achieving the life expectancy
  • Capturing the marketing advantage
  • Choosing the best awning company

Commercial Awning Ebook

  • What is required when preparing to purchase a commercial awning
  • What happens during the awning manufacturing process
  • Which materials you should choose for your commercial awning

Healthcare Awning Brochure

  • Examples of past healthcare awnings and designs
  • How we help improve patient safety and experience
  • What it’s like to work with us

Bank Awning Ebook

  • Examples of past bank awnings and designs
  • How we improve bank visibility and branding
  • What it’s like to work with us

Awning Design Ideas Ebook

  • Front-Lit Awnings
  • Back-Lit Awnings
  • Mapes Awnings
  • Standing Seam Awnings
  • Post-Supported Canopies
  • Retractable Awnings
  • Shade Sails
  • Enclosures
  • Custom Projects

Awning Fabric Ebook

  • Fabric Types
  • Purpose of different fabric types
  • What you should consider when choosing a fabric
  • Top 7 questions to ask about your awning fabric
  • 10 misconceptions of awning fabric
  • Our top awning fabric choices (Sunbrella, AwnTex, Firesists, Cooley-Brite, etc.)

Restaurant Awning eBook

  • What is required when preparing to purchase a restaurant awning
  • What happens during the awning manufacturing process
  • Which materials you should choose for your restaurant awning
  • Who you should call for your awning construction and installation

For more information about our services and products, please feel free to contact us at 718-454-6444. Free estimates are available!

Have a Design Idea? Help Make It a Reality!