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Durable Custom Awnings & Canopies in New York City

Having dependable protection and shelter from the environment is crucial to the travelers who occupy your terminals daily. Capitol Awning Co provides the most robust and adaptable custom canopies and awnings in New York City. For over 60 years, we’ve specialized in installing commercial awnings in the busiest and most used transit and travel locations. We offer and apply industry-leading products like the tensile shelter canopies. We’ll supply you with a shelter that your travelers can rely on to keep the weather and outdoors away.

airport awnings

Awning Designing and Building Specialists

We specialize in building awnings and canopies and completing projects within tight specifications and timelines. Our team uses cutting-edge construction management software, enabling us to stay on track and finish jobs ahead of schedule. The clients we serve include government agencies, construction management companies, and general contractors, and we can fulfill services for union and non-union projects. Our design and engineering team can finish your awning or canopy project to your exact requirements using our innovative tools and skills. Value engineering is critical to our design process. Whether you need a permanent or temporary awning, we can meet your needs.

The Primary Advantages of Tensile Shelter Canopies

Customers choose tensile shelter canopies because they offer the following:

Endless Customization

We offer tensile canopies in many sizes, shapes, colors, and specifications.


Apply your tensile shelter anywhere, from the terminal to bus stations.

Unwavering Protection

You can rely on it to protect people and belongings from bad weather and the sun year-round.

Easy Maintenance

Due to its smooth surface, the tensile is easier to clean than glass or metal canopies.

Environmentally Friendliness

The tensile shelter is recyclable and can be reused for years.

Choose Tensile for Maximum Function

Tensile is built to last in all conditions. From hot summers to icy winters, you can depend on it to shelter travelers, baggage, and items and remain resistant to the elements. Here are a few cutting-edge functions that tensile provides to airports and travel hubs:

  • Completely resistant to water, snow, and moisture.
  • Offers total protection from the sun and UV rays.
  • High abrasion resistance and anti-aging qualities.
  • Totally soundproof to regulate noise.
  • Fire, flame, and smoke resistant.

Reliable Protection for Any Application

The tensile shelter canopy is specially designed to be applied to spaces where heavy travel occurs. It serves all types of transit-focused buildings, sites, and installations, including toll stations, gas stations, parking lots, railway stations, ferry terminals, bus shelters, parking sheds, high-speed rail stations, entrances, and exits. If you are interested in knowing more about this trusted canopy, please feel free to reach out to Capitol Awning Co. We’ll gladly install an awning or canopy that maintains quality for years.

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